
食物残余转化为动物饲料-线上会议2024.03.26 20:00---2024.03.29 24:0

明尼苏达大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、德雷克塞尔大学和 Feedstuffs 正在合作开发,将食物残余升级为动物食品相关的教育发展。目标是向全球饲料和养殖行业的人员沟通和宣传食物残余对畜牧业的价值。


会议将连续三个工作日举行,时间约为三小时,每天早上7点(Central)开始,以便全球参与并讨论食物残余问题的各个方面。计划将有15分钟关于食物残余用于动物饲料的当前进展和挑战,以及 15 分钟的案例分析。

会议主持人为明尼苏达大学动物科学系教授Dr. Jerry Shurson和美国宾夕法尼亚大学兽医学院农业系教授Dr. Zhengxia Dou。


会议赞助商包括North American Renderers Association, World Wildlife Fund, International Ingredients Corp., American Feed Industry Association和the US Grains Council.。本次会议还得到了美国农业部国家食品和农业研究所、Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grant的支持。


Day 1: 机遇是什么(直播)

2024.03.26 20:00-23:30 (Asia/Shanghai)

Overview of opportunities, challenges, and solutions of upcycling food waste to animal feed (15 minutes)- Dr. Jerry Shurson

Why should we care about food loss and waste? (15 minutes)- Dr. Rosa Rolle

How can upcycling food loss and waste to animal feed contribute toward low-carbon and resource-efficienies around the world? (15 minutes)- Clementine O’Connor

What we know and don’t know about where, what, and how much food loss and waste occurs in various countries? (15 minutes)- Dr. Xinping Chen

How does upcycling food waste to animal feed compare with other options for mitigating climate and resource burdens? (15 minutes)- Dr. Zhengxia Dou

What types of food loss and waste are best suited for animal feed? (15 minutes)- Dr. Jerry Shurson

Does feeding food waste support optimal animal production performance? (15 minutes)- Dr. Sarah Rassler


①Using culled fruit waste in lactating dairy cow diets (15 minutes)- Dr. Linda Baker

Food-For-Feed in circular and sustainable pig and chicken production systems (15 minutes)- Karel van der Velden

The JiaBoWen story of upcycling food waste to animal feed in China (15 minutes)- Dr. Yingcheng Wang

Upcycling food waste into pet food (15 minutes)- Eric Adams

Day 2: 挑战是什么(直播)

2024.03.27 20:00-23:30(Asia/Shanghai)

Feed safety risks of various food waste sources (15 minutes)- Dr. Jerry Shurson

Government policies, regulations, incentives, and progress for using food waste in animal feed in various countries (panel)

Japan (15 minutes)- Dr. Tomouki Nakaishi

South Korea (15 minutes)- Dr. Jae Cheol Jang

China (15 minutes)- Dr. Jianguo Liu

United States (15 minutes)- Leah Wilkinson

European Union (15 minutes)- Alexander Romme


①What are the regulatory pathways for using various food waste streams in animal feeds in the U.S.? (15 minutes)- Erin Bubb

Consumer attitudes toward upcycled food (15 minutes)- Dr. Jonathan Deutsch

Food loss and waste in Africa and recovery for reuse – a case report on using market unsellables to rear rabbits in The Gambia (15 minutes)- Brianna Parsons

Bioprocessing to upcycle agro-industrial by-products and food waste into high-nutritional value animal feed (15 mintues)- Dr. Xiao Sun

Day 3: 解决方法是什么?(直播)

2024.03.28 20:00-23:30(Asia/Shanghai)

Key factors for developing a successful food waste to animal feed recycling business (15 minutes)- Jennifer Luchte

What is the role of the feed industry in upcycling food waste? (30 minutes)- Lara Moody

What is the role of NGOs in facilitating food waste upcycling to animal feed (15 minutes) - Pete Pearson

Food Recycle International – How we are contributing to upcycling food waste to animal feed (15 minutes)- Norm Boyle

Upcycling Certified™ food ingredients and products: Animal feed pathway as new opportunities (15 minutes)- Kathryn Britton

Using food waste to produce insect meal for animal feeding (15 minutes)- Dr. Victor Mlambo


Highlights of aquaculture feeding studies of diets with food waste from the Food Recycle International process (15 minutes)- Dr. Ha H. Truong

Highlights of poultry feeding studies of diets with food waste from the Food Recycle International process (15 minutes)- Dr. Amy Moss

Use of animal proteins and fats in animal foods contribute to the bio-circular economy (15 minutes)- Dr. Charles Starkey

Former food products in monogastric nutrition: effects on productivity, health, and meat quality (15 minutes)- Dr. Luciano Pinotti

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传       真: 021-57632800

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