


第一章 合作双方
Article 1 Cooperation Partners
Party A:
乙方: 中国•猪营养国际论坛 组委会(上海亘泰实业集团有限公司)
Party B: Chinese Swine Industry Symposium Organizing Committee: Shanghai Gentech Industries Group Co., Ltd
Through friendly consultations, Party A and Party B have, in accordance with Chinese relative laws and regulations, entered into this Cooperation Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) concerning the matters related to Chinese Swine Industry Symposium.
第二章 双方约定
Article 2 Mutual Covenants
1.甲方赞助乙方举办“中国猪营养国际论坛”,费用为     元。
Party A agrees to sponsor Party B for Chinese Swine Industry Symposium and the sponsorship fee is    , 000 RMB.
This agreement is made by and between Party A and Party B through full consultation.
3.合作协议有效期2018年    月    日至2018年10月31日止。
This agreement shall continue to be in force and effect beginning at this_____ day of___, 2018 till the 31st day of October, 2018.
第三章 权利义务
Article 3 Rights and Obligations
1. 甲方权利Party A’s Rights
Party A has the right to select the sponsorship scheme: Platinum Sponsor (RMB200, 000)/ Gold Sponsor (RMB 150,000)/ Silver Sponsor (RMB 10,000)/ Bronze Sponsor (RMB 60,000)/ Other Sponsors (For detailed information about different sponsorship schemes, please refer to the provisions of 2018 Chinese Swine Industry Symposium Sponsorship Opportunities).
2.  甲方义务Party A’s Obligations
2.1 甲方须在协议签订3个工作日内缴纳赞助费人民币    元;
To pay the total contract amount    ,000 RMB to Party B for the sponsorship within three (3) working days as of the effective date of the Agreement;
To provide Party B with a photocopy of its duplicate business license and identity card of legal representative and the person in charge;
2.3 如需投放公司、产品宣传资料,有提供相关产品相关检验、专利、获奖证书复印件的义务;
To provide a photocopy of test, patent and award certificate of related products if Party A plans to release publicity materials of its company or product;
To maintain the benefits of the symposium and prohibit any conduct that may impair the image and goodwill of the symposium;
2.5 在任何时候,遇到有损论坛形象和声誉的事情有主动阻止并告知论坛主办方的义务。
To prevent and inform Party B if Party A knows any detriments to the goodwill of the Symposium.
3. 乙方权利Party B’s Right
3.1 获得甲方赞助费用的权利;
To receive sponsorship fee from Party A;
3.2 如甲方不能提供相关证明文件,乙方有权拒绝对该公司、产品进行宣传的权利;
To refuse to release Party A’s company and product publicity materials if Party A is unable to provide Party A with related credentials;
3.3 如甲方有损害论坛利益、形象或声誉的行为,乙方有权终止合作并不退还任何费用的权利;
To terminate this Agreement and not to refund Party A the sponsorship fee if Party A detrimentally affect the goodwill, interest and image of the Symposium;
To use legal efforts if Party A causes serious damage to the goodwill, interest and image of the Symposium; and
To make reasonable adjustments to the symposium arrangements in order to ensure a successful symposium.
4. 乙方义务 Party B’s Obligations
保障甲方第三章第1条的相关权利 。
To guarantee Party A’s rights set forth in Section 1of Article 3 herein.
第四章 违约责任
Article 4 Liability for Breach
1. 甲方如果未能及时付款,按合同总金额每天1%计收滞纳金。
Party A shall pay penalty to Party B in such standard as 1% of the contract amount overdue for one day if Party A fails to make the payment as scheduled.
2. 甲方如因自身原因不能履行协议及相关义务,乙方将不保证乙方权利的落实;
If Party A fails to fulfill this Agreement for its own reasons, Party B shall have no obligations to guarantee Party A’s rights;
3. 甲方如因自身原因想解除本协议的,则本协议第三章第1条的权利全部取消,款项按如下方式
If Party A terminates this Agreement for its own reasons, Party A shall not have any rights set forth in Section 1of Article 3, but shall be refunded subject to the refund schedule below: receive a 70% refund 90 days prior to the symposium, receive a 40% refund 60-90days prior to the symposium, receive 20% refund 30-59days prior to the symposium, no refund for less than 30days prior to the symposium.
4. 如遇不可抗因素,如自然灾害、政府干预等,则不视为违约。
Neither party shall be liable for the breach of Agreement due to occurrence of force majeure such as natural disaster, government intervention, etc.
5. 如经沟通协商仍不能解决的,将向乙方所在地相关法院或仲裁机构提请裁决。
All disputes in relation to this Agreement shall be sought to be resolved through friendly consultation. In the case that any dispute is unable to be resolved, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitral institution or the People’s court of Party B’s legal address.
第五章 合同的解除和变更
Article 5 Termination and Modification of the Agreement
1. 协议一经签订便具有法律效益,若需对协议内容进行修改,需双方讨论同意,并以书面的形式
This Agreement shall take effect upon the execution by person in charge and may be modified as agreed by both parties. Any amendments to this Agreement shall become effective only by a written Supplementary Agreement reached and signed by both parties through consultation.
2. 在协议有效期内,经双方协商一致,可变更或中止协议。
During the term, the Agreement may be modified or terminated by mutual agreement.
3. 若对本协议的相关规定事项有疑问,需双方协商解决。
Any doubts about this Agreement shall be settled through consultation.
4. 未尽事宜,如论坛召开期间甲方的安排有变动,甲方需提前通知乙方,并作相应协商,协商后达成的协议具有同等法律效力。
Matters not covered by the Agreement such as adjustments in symposium arrangements shall be settled by both parties after Party B receives Party A’s prior written notice. The agreement reached after consultation shall have the same legal effect.
5. 本协议最终解释权属于乙方:中国猪营养论坛组委会。
Chinese Swine Industry Symposium Organizing Committee reserves the right to interpret the final explanation to the Agreement.
第六章 乙方收款的账户信息
Article 6 Payment
账  户:上海亘泰实业集团有限公司
Beneficiary Name: Shanghai Gentech Industries Group Co., LTD
Beneficiary Bank: Shanghai Jiu Ting Town Sub-branch, Bank of China
账  号:4377  5922  5138
Account No.: 4377  5922  5138
第七章 其他
Article 7 Miscellaneous

This Agreement is executed in both Chinese and English version. In the event of any inconsistency, the Chinese version shall prevail in interpretation.

甲方:                               (盖章) 乙方:中国•猪营养国际论坛 组委会
(上海亘泰实业集团有限公司  盖章)
Party A:______________________________(Stamp)   Party B: Chinese Swine Industry Symposium Organizing Committee (Shanghai Gentech Industries Group Co., Ltd, Stamp)
地址:                                         地址:上海市松江区九新公路90弄3号15楼
Address:______________________________________  Address: 15F, Bldg 3, Lane 90, Jiuxin Rd., Songjiang District, Shanghai 201615
经办人:                                       经办人:
Handled by: ____________________________________ Handled by: _____________________________
电话/Tel:                                      电话/Tel:021-5763 1799
传真/Fax:                                      传真/Fax:021-57630221
邮箱/Email:                                    邮箱/Fax:info@asaschina.org
日期/Date:                                     日期/Date:

报名热线: 021-57630733

传       真: 021-57632800

版权所有 : 上海亘泰实业集团

合作热线: 021-57634938/13564244927

网站地图 |   CNZZ统计

地       址:上海市松江区新桥镇莘砖公路650号双子楼B座15层





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