Shreenath Prasad, Barbara Streit, Christina Gruber, Christoph Gonaus
Animal feeds are
often contaminated with ochratoxin A (OTA), a potent natural mycotoxin
hazardous to animal and human health that accumulates in blood and tissues. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to
investigate the in vivo application of an enzyme (OTA amidohydrolase; OAH) that degrades OTA into the nontoxic
molecules phenylalanine and ochratoxin α (OTα) in the gastrointestinal tract
(GIT) of pigs. Piglets were fed six experimental diets over 14 days,
varying in OTA contamination level (50 or 500 μg/kg; OTA50 and OTA500) and
presence of OAH; a negative control diet (no OTA added) and a diet containing
OTα at 318 µg/kg (OTα318). The absorption of OTA and OTα into the systemic
circulation (plasma and dried blood spots, DBS), their accumulation in kidney,
liver, and muscle tissues, and excretion through feces and urine were assessed.
The efficiency of OTA degradation in the digesta content of the GIT was also
estimated. At the end of the trial, accumulation of OTA in blood was
significantly higher in OTA groups (OTA50 and OTA500) in comparison to enzyme
groups (OAH50 and OAH500, respectively). The supplementation
of OAH explicitly reduced the absorption of OTA (P < 0.005) into plasma by
54% and 59% (from 40.53 ± 3.53 to 18.66 ± 2.28 ng/mL in piglets fed the 50 μg
OTA/kg diets and from 413.50 ± 71.88 to 168.35 ± 41.02 ng/mL in piglets fed the
500 μg OTA/kg diets, respectively) and in DBS by 50% and 53% (from 22.79 ± 2.63
to 10.67 ± 1.93 ng/mL in piglets fed the 50 μg OTA/kg diets and from 232.85 ±
35.16 to 105.71 ± 24.18 ng/mL in piglets fed the 500 μg OTA/kg diets,
respectively). The OTA concentrations in plasma were positively associated
with the OTA levels detected in all tissues analyzed; adding OAH reduced OTA
levels in the kidney, liver, and muscle (P < 0.005) by 52%, 67%, and 59%,
respectively. The analysis of GIT digesta content showed that OAH supplementation
led to OTA degradation in the proximal GIT where natural hydrolysis is
inefficient. Overall, the data of present in vivo study
demonstrated that supplementation of swine feeds with OAH successfully reduced
OTA levels in blood (plasma and DBS) as well as in kidney, liver, and muscle
tissues. Therefore, an approach to use enzymes as feed additives might be
most promising to mitigate the harmful effects of OTA on the productivity and
welfare of pigs and at the same time improving the safety of pig-derived food
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The pig nutrition international BBS CSIS