Kaitlyn M Sommer,Youngsoo Lee,Sharon M Donovan,Ryan N Dilger
Dextran sodium
sulfate (DSS) is commonly used to induce intestinal (i.e., colonic)
inflammation in a variety of animal models. However,
DSS is known to cause interference when using quantitative-real time polymerase
chain reaction (qRT-PCR) methods, thereby invalidating accurate and precise
measurement of tissue gene expression. Therefore, the goal of this study
was to determine whether different mRNA purification methods would reduce
DSS-interference. Colonic tissue samples were collected at postnatal days (PND)
27 or 28 from pigs that had not been administered DSS (Control), and two
independent groups of pigs that received 1.25 g of DSS/kg of BW/d (DSS-1 and
DSS-2) from PND 14 to 18. Tissue samples collected were subsequently stratified
into three purification methods (i.e., 9 total treatment × method
combinations), including: 1) no purification, 2) purification with lithium
chloride (LiCl), or 3) purification using spin column filtration. All data were
analyzed using a one-way ANOVA in the Mixed procedure of SAS. The average RNA concentrations across all treatments were
between 1,300 and 1,800 μg/μL for all three in vivo groups. Although there
were statistical differences among purification methods, the 260/280 and
260/230 ratios fell between acceptable limits of 2.0 to 2.1 and 2.0 to 2.2,
respectively, for all treatment groups. This confirms the RNA quality was
adequate and not influenced by purification method in addition to suggesting
the absence of phenol, salts, and carbohydrate contamination. For pigs in the
Control group that did not receive DSS, qRT-PCR Ct values of four cytokines
were achieved, though these values were not altered by purification method. For
pigs that had undergone DSS dosing, those tissues subjected to either no
purification or purification using LiCl did not generate applicable Ct values. However, when tissues derive from DSS-treated pigs
underwent spin column purification, half of the samples from DSS-1 and DSS-2
groups generated appropriate Ct estimates. Therefore,
spin column purification appeared to be more effective than LiCl purification,
but no method was 100% effective, so caution should be exercised when
interpreting gene expression results from studies where animals are exposed to
DSS-induced colitis.
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