Dalton C Humphrey, Keith Haydon, Laura L Greiner
Two groups of 240 pigs (PIC 337 × 1050, PIC Genus,
Hendersonville, TN) were used to investigate the interactions between leucine,
isoleucine, and valine on the growth performance of approximately 10 to 20 kg
nursery pigs. At weaning, pigs were placed into 40 pens with three barrows and
three gilts per pen and fed a common diet for 3 wk. On day 21 postweaning, pens
were randomly assigned to 1 of 15 dietary treatments in a central composite
design. Diets were formulated to various levels of standardized ileal
digestible (SID) Leu, Ile, and Val by supplementing L-Leu, L-Ile, and L-Val.
Levels of the branched-chain amino acids, expressed as ratios to SID Lys,
ranged from 98% to 180%, 46% to 64%, and 51% to 78% for Leu, Ile, and Val,
respectively. Diets were formulated to be iso-Lys, isonitrogenous, and isocaloric.
Pig weights and feed intake were measured for the 21-d experiment to calculate
average daily gain (ADG), average daily feed intake (ADFI), and feed efficiency
(G:F). Growth performance data were analyzed using the lm() function in R
version 4.2.2 (R Core Team, 2022). The second-order polynomial model included
the linear and quadratic effects of Leu, Ile, and Val, their three two-way
interactions, and initial body weight. Pen was the experimental unit, and
parameters were considered significant at P ≤ 0.10. A linear and quadratic effect of Val
was observed for ADG and G:F (P < 0.001). There was an interaction between Leu and Ile for ADG (P = 0.069) and G:F (P = 0.032), where increasing Leu and decreasing Ile, and the inverse, improved ADG and G:F. However, growth and efficiency were negatively impacted as Leu and Ile increased in the diet. There was an interaction between Leu and Val for ADFI (P = 0.060), where Leu negatively impacted feed intake at low levels of Val but had little impact as Val increased above NRC (2012) recommendations.
In conclusion, Val linearly and quadratically impacted ADG and G:F, regardless of Leu and Ile levels in the diet, while ADG and G:F were reduced with high levels of Leu and Ile, which was resolved as either Leu or Ile was reduced. Furthermore, ADFI was negatively impacted by increased Leu when Val was below NRC (2012) recommendations but was not affected by Leu at higher Val levels. Together, the results of this experiment emphasize the complexity of amino acid metabolism in nursery pigs and the importance of considering potential interactions among amino acids when conducting requirement studies.
2023. J. Anim. Sci. 101: skad253
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