Dorado-Montenegro Sebastian, Lammers-Jannink Kim, Gerrits Walter, de Vries Sonja
Physicochemical characteristics of dietary
fibers may modulate digesta transit behavior. The present study was conducted
to clarify the effect of level and particle size (PS) of insoluble fibers on
digesta mean retention time (MRT) in the proximal gastrointestinal tract
(mouth-ileocecal junction). Six ileal-cannulated pigs (26.8 ± 2.08 kg) were
assigned to 3 dietary treatments in a 3 × 3 replicated Latin-square design. Finely
ground (1 mm screen) or coarse (intact) oat husks (OH) and soybean hulls (SBH)
were added (50:50, w/w) to a maize–whey protein–wheat-based diet at 50 (low) or
250 g/kg (high) inclusion levels to obtain a low-fine fiber (LF), high-fine
fiber (HF), and high-coarse fiber (HC) diet. Markers to follow liquids
(Co-EDTA), fine solids (Y3O2), or fibrous particles (Yb-mordanted OH and
Cr-mordanted SBH) were given as a single pulse dose and marker concentrations
were subsequently measured hourly in digesta for 13 h after administration.
Mean retention time values were obtained from the concentration of markers in
digesta observed over time by fitting a generalized Michaelis–Menten equation
and calculating the time of peak. Fiber addition and fiber particle size
neither affected the MRT of liquid nor solid digesta phases (P = 0.903). Segregation
between solid and liquid digesta phases was observed for all diets (P < 0.0001), although
the extent of segregation was greater for LF compared with HF and HC (P = 0.0220). The MRT of
SBH particles, but not of OH-particles was longer for coarse vs fine PS (96
min, P < 0.05). In
conclusion, digesta MRT was influenced by the dietary concentration but not by
PS of insoluble fibers. The addition of insoluble fibers reduces digesta phase
segregation from mouth to distal ileum in growing pigs.
2023. J. Anim. Sci. 101: skad299
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