Lauren L Kovanda, Sofia Rengman, Snehal Tawde, Jeroen Pos, Kwangwook Kim, Yanhong Liu
Our previous work showed
that dietary valerate glycerides reduced frequency of diarrhea and β-hemolytic
coliforms in fecal cultures of pigs infected with F18+ Enterotoxigenic
Escherichia coli (ETEC). However, the impact of these
feed additives on the immune response and intestinal physiology of newly weaned
pigs experiencing ETEC-associated diarrhea has not been evaluated. The
present experiment aimed to determine the effects of dietary valerate
glycerides on intestinal mucosa gene expression, systemic inflammatory status,
and serum metabolomic profile of weanling piglets infected with F18+ ETEC. Sixty weaned piglets (6.97 ± 0.75 kg body
weight; 21 days old) were randomly assigned to one of four dietary treatments:
nursery basal diet (control), 0.075% or 0.1% monovalerin, or 0.1% trivalerin
added to control. After a 7-day adaptation, all piglets were orally inoculated
with F18+ ETEC (1010 CFU/3 mL) on d 0, d 1, and d 2 post-inoculation (PI). Serum
samples were collected on d 0 prior to ETEC inoculation, d 3, d 6, and d 21 PI to
analyze concentration of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), C-reactive protein
(CRP), and haptoglobin. Serum samples from d 6 PI were submitted for untargeted
metabolomics analysis at the West Coast Metabolomics Center. Six replicate pigs
per treatment group were euthanized on d 7 PI to collect jejunal and ileal
mucosa for gene expression analysis. Data were analyzed in RStudio by ANOVA in
a linear mixed model with treatment as fixed effect and pig as random effect. Metabolomics
analysis was performed using the online platform, MetaboAnalyst. Pigs fed
trivalerin had reduced (P < 0.05) serum TNF-α on d 0 and d 6 PI compared with pigs in control. Whereas pigs
supplemented with 0.1% monovalerin tended (P ≤ 0.10) to have decreased serum TNF-α on d 0 and d 3 PI, and less (P < 0.05) serum CRP on d 3 PI
compared with pigs in control. No differences in serum concentrations of
haptoglobin were detected among dietary treatments. Preliminary results for
gene expression analysis indicate a tendency (P = 0.078) for increased mRNA
expression of tight junction protein, ZO-1 in pigs fed 0.1% trivalerin compared
with control. Among all valerate derivative treatments,
significant fold changes [FC > 2, log2(FC) > 1] for individual
metabolites were detected, where levels of adenosine, putrescine, and shikimic
acid were decreased compared with the control group. No differential
metabolomic profiles in serum were identified on d 6 PI as indicated by a lack
of cluster separation using principal component analysis (PCA). In conclusion,
valerate glycerides could regulate gene expression of the intestinal epithelium
and systemic immune response of weanling piglets infected with F18+ ETEC.
JAS, Volume 101, Issue Supplement_3
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