Thomas A Crome, Mark A Giesemann, Hannah E Miller, Amy L Petry
Carbohydrase supplementation in grow-finish
pig diets improves energy, nutrient digestibility, and gastrointestinal
function, but their efficacy in gestation diets is understudied. The
experimental objective was to evaluate the efficacy of a multicarbohydrase to
improve digestion, energetics, and various physiological functions in gestating
sows fed soluble and insoluble fiber diets. On day 28 of gestation, 36 sows
(186 ± 4.6 kg body weight), blocked by parity, were randomly assigned to a
2 × 2 factorial arrangement of dietary treatments (n = 9). Factors included
fiber type of insoluble (IF; 20% dried distiller grains with solubles) or
soluble fiber (SF; 20% sugar beet pulp) and with (+) or without (−) enzyme (0.05%, Rovabio Advance P10;
Adisseo, Antony, France). Diets were fed from days 28 to 109 of gestation at a
feeding level of 2.1 kg (SID-Lys 11 g/d and 4.5 net energy-Mcal/d). Two
separate 9-d metabolism periods were conducted on days 50 to 59 (mid) and 99 to
108 (late) of gestation. During each period, days 1 to 3 served as an
adaptation period, days 4 to 7 total urine and feces were collected (96-h) and
followed by a 48-h lactulose-mannitol study. Serum and plasma were collected on
days 50 and 99. Data were analyzed as repeated records using a linear mixed
model with block as a random effect and fiber type, enzyme, and period and
their interactions as fixed effects. Sows fed SF+ had increased serum IL-1ra
(Fiber × Enzyme P = 0.035), and IL-2 (Fiber × Enzyme P = 0.042). In the presence of IF, multicarbohydrases increased serum
lipopolysaccharide-binding protein, but not when supplemented with SF (Fiber × Enzyme P = 0.028). Circulating
IL-8 and TNF-α were decreased in sows fed
multicarbohydrases (P < 0.05). Multicarbohydrase supplementation increased the apparent
total tract digestibility (ATTD) of gross energy (GE), dry matter, and neutral
detergent fiber by 2.8%, 3.4%, and 8.3%, respectively (P < 0.05). Compared to
IF−, the ATTD of hemicellulose was 5.3% greater
in sows fed IF+ but did not differ from SF− and SF+ (Fiber × Enzyme P = 0.037). Sows fed IF+
had the greatest ATTD of insoluble dietary fiber (Fiber × Enzyme P = 0.011). Sows fed
multicarbohydrases excreted less energy in their urine (519 vs. 469 GE kcal/d;
Enzyme P = 0.033) and in their
feces (985 vs. 900 GE kcal/d; Enzyme P = 0.003). This resulted in an improvement in both digestible energy
(Enzyme P < 0.01) and metabolizable energy (Enzyme P = 0.041), irrespective
of fiber type. In conclusion, multicarbohydrase supplementation increased the
digestibility and energetic contribution of fiber, irrespective of adaptation
time or fiber type, but modulation of inflammatory responses was unique to
dietary fiber type.
2023. J. Anim. Sci. 101: skad390
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