Yuechi Fu, Enkai Li, Theresa M Casey, Timothy A Johnson, Olayiwola Adeola, Kolapo M Ajuwon
Recent studies have
highlighted the importance of maternal nutrition during gestation and lactation
in modulating the gastrointestinal development and health of offspring. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine
the effects of live yeast (LY) supplementation to sows during late gestation
and throughout lactation on markers of gut health of piglets prior to weaning
and immediately postweaning. On day 77 of gestation, forty sows were
allotted based on parity and expected farrowing dates to two dietary
treatments: without (CON) or with (LY) supplementation at 0.05% and 0.1% of
diet during gestation and lactation, respectively. On postnatal days (PND) 0,
10, 18, and postweaning days (PWD) 7 and 14, one piglet from each of 10 sows
per treatment were selected for intestinal tissue collection (n = 10). Real-time PCR and western blotting analyses were used to
determine the mucosal expression of immune and antioxidant-regulatory genes and
tight junction markers of gut health in the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. Inflammatory
and tight junction markers on PND 0 were not affected by maternal dietary
treatment. On PND 18, maternal LY supplementation
increased (P < 0.05) mRNA expression of interleukin (IL)-6 and tended
(P = 0.08) to increase expression of IL-10 in the ileal muocsa. Maternal LY
supplementation also increased (P < 0.05) expression of IL-1β in the ileal
mucosa on PWD 14. Likewise, expression of superoxide dismutase (SOD) 1 was
increased (P < 0.05) by LY on PND 10, 18, and PWD 14, with a tendency (P = 0.09) for a greater mRNA abundance of catalase on PND 14 in the ileal
mucosa. Compared to CON piglets, LY piglets had a higher (P < 0.05) protein
abundance of E-cadherin in the jejunal mucosa on PND 0, PWD 7, and PWD 14. Levels
of occludin and claudin-4 were also higher (P < 0.05) in the jejunum of LY
piglets on PWD 14. No differences were found in jejunal histomorphological
measurements between treatments. In conclusion, this study shows that maternal
LY supplementation affects key markers of gut health and development in the
offspring that may impact the future growth potential and health of newborn
2024, JAS, Volume 102, skae008
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