Jonathan T Baker, Marcos Elias Duarte, Sung Woo Kim
This study aimed to
investigate the effects of xylanase on growth performance and intestinal health
of nursery pigs fed diets with reduced metabolizable energy (ME). One hundred
ninety-two pigs at 8.7 kg ± 0.7 body weight (BW) after 7 d of weaning were
allotted in a randomized complete block design with initial BW and sex as
blocks. Eight dietary treatments consisted of 5 ME levels (3,400, 3,375, 3,350,
3,325, and 3,300 kcal ME/kg) below the NRC (2012) requirement and 4 levels of
xylanase (0, 1,200, 2,400, and 3,600 XU/kg) to a diet with 3,300 kcal ME/kg. All
pigs received their respective treatments for 35 d in 2 phases, pre-starter (14
d) and starter (21 d). On day 35, eight pigs in 3,400
kcal/kg (CON), 3,300 kcal/kg (LE), and 3,300 kcal/kg + 3,600 XU xylanase/kg
(LEX) were euthanized to collect jejunal tissues and digesta for the evaluation
of mucosa-associated microbiota, intestinal immune response, oxidative stress
status, intestinal morphology, crypt cell proliferation, and digesta viscosity
as well as ileal digesta to measure apparent ileal digestibility. Data were
analyzed using the MIXED procedure on SAS 9.4. The LE
increased (P < 0.05) jejunal digesta viscosity, tended to have decreased
(P = 0.053) relative abundance of Prevotella, and tended to increase
(P = 0.055) Lactobacillus. The LE also increased
(P < 0.05) the concentration of protein carbonyl whereas malondialdehyde,
villus height (VH), villus height to crypt depth ratio (VH:CD), apparent ileal
digestibility (AID) of nutrients, and finally average daily feed intake were
decreased (P < 0.05). The LE did not affect average daily gain (ADG). The
LEX decreased (P < 0.05) digesta viscosity, increased (P < 0.05) the
relative abundance of Prevotella, decreased (P < 0.05) Helicobacter,
decreased (P < 0.05) the concentration of protein carbonyl, tended to
increase (P = 0.065) VH, and decreased (P < 0.05) VH:CD and crypt cell
proliferation. Moreover,
LEX increased (P < 0.05) the AID of dry matter and gross energy and tended
to increase (P = 0.099; P = 0.076) AID of crude protein, and ether extract. The
LEX did not affect ADG but did tend to decrease (P = 0.070) fecal score during
the starter phase. Overall, reducing ME negatively affected intestinal health
parameters and nutrient digestibility without affecting growth. Supplementation of xylanase mitigated some of the negative
effects observed by ME reduction on intestinal health and digestibility of
nutrients without affecting growth.
2024, JAS, Volume 102, skae026
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