Sally Veronika Hansen, Nuria Canibe, Tina Skau Nielsen, Tofuko Awori Woyengo
This study investigated the impact of an
enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) F18 challenge on newly weaned pigs when
fed one of three Zn levels (150, 1,400, or 2,500 ppm) on performance, Zn
status, ETEC shedding, and diarrhea. The ETEC challenge was hypothesized to
have a more pronounced negative impact on pigs fed a diet containing 150 ppm Zn
compared to 1,400 or 2,500 ppm Zn for 14 d after weaning. The study included 72
ETEC F18 susceptible pigs weaned at ~28 d of age (d 0 of the study). The pigs
were distributed according to initial weight and litter to one of the three
dietary Zn levels. Half of the pigs were challenged with ETEC on d 1 and 2. The
challenge reduced (P ≤ 0.03) feed intake and average daily gain
(ADG) during d 3 to 5. Challenged pigs fed 150 ppm Zn had lower (P = 0.01) ADG during d 5
to 7 compared to those fed 1,400 or 2,500 ppm Zn, whereas control pigs’ ADG
were not affected by dietary Zn content. Challenged pigs fed 150 ppm Zn also
showed lower (P < 0.01) fecal dry matter (DM) on d 5 compared to control pigs fed 150
ppm Zn and challenged pigs fed 1,400 or 2,500 ppm Zn. Challenge increased (P < 0.01) ETEC shedding
in all groups, but challenged pigs fed 150 ppm Zn showed higher (P ≤ 0.05) fecal shedding
of ETEC and toxins than when fed 1,400 or 2,500 ppm. On d 3, C-reactive protein
concentration in plasma was lower (P < 0.03) for pigs fed 1,400 and 2,500 compared to 150 ppm Zn. Plasma
haptoglobin and pig major acute phase protein were unaffected by dietary Zn
content. On d 0, the serum Zn concentration was 586 ± 36.6 µg/L, which pigs fed
150 ppm Zn maintained throughout the study. The serum Zn concentration
increased (P ≤ 0.07) in pigs fed 1,400 or 2,500 ppm Zn. The challenge decreased (P < 0.01) the serum Zn
concentration in pigs fed 2,500 ppm Zn. On d 5 and 7, serum Zn concentration
was similar for challenged pigs fed 1,400 and 2,500 ppm Zn, while control pigs fed 2,500 ppm Zn had higher (P < 0.01) serum Zn concentration than 1,400 ppm Zn. On d 7, serum Zn
concentration tended (P = 0.08) to be lower for pigs with diarrhea (fecal DM ≤ 18%). In summary,
these results indicate that newly weaned pigs fed 150 ppm Zn are more
susceptible to ETEC F18 colonization and its adverse consequences such as
diarrhea and reduced growth, even though challenge did not increase acute phase
2024. J. Anim. Sci. 102: skae018
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